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Are you state registered physiotherapists?

Yes. We are all registered with the Health & Care Professions Council & are full members of The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. All physiotherapists working at Wareham Physiotherapy have at least 5 years postgraduate experience.


What should I bring to my appointment?

Your physiotherapist will need to see the affected area clearly to provide an accurate assessment of your problem. Therefore you may be required to undress down to your underwear. Alternatively, you may feel more comfortable if you bring a pair of shorts &/or a strappy top to wear. Please also bring a current medication list &, if you need them, a pair of reading glasses.


What will be involved?

Please refer to the "Treatments" section of this website for a full description of the assessment & treatment process.


Do I need a referral from my G.P.?

If you are a paying patient, you can refer yourself to us & do not need a referral from your G.P. However, it is generally a good idea to keep your G.P. informed of any treatments you are having, as they are the principle co-ordinators of your healthcare. We will always ask your permission before contacting your G.P.

If you are going to claim through your insurance, you need to check whether your policy requires a G.P. referral, as companies vary on this.


Am I covered by my medical insurance?

We have contracts with most major insurance companies. Please discuss details of your medical insurance with our admin manager before your first appointment and check your "allowance" for physiotherapy with them, as some insurers restrict the number of sessions they will fund.


How much will it cost? 

Face to Face appointments:

1 hour initial assessment:                £65.00 

45 minute initial assessment:         £60.00 

30 minute follow-up treatments:   £50.00

Home visit:                                        £85.00

Letters to Doctors/Health professionals/ Other organisations: £15.00 

Physiotherapy Reports                    £20.00


How many treatment sessions will I need?

Following initial assessment it is generally possible to predict how many sessions will be needed. In general, the longer you have had the problem, the more sessions you may require. If there is no real improvement after 4-6 treatments we are likely to refer you back to your G.P. for further assessment of action necessary at this stage. This will be decided by your G.P.


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