Studio 1, Hartland Stud, Soldiers Road, Norden, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5DU
Tel: 07765 129786
Helen Gordon - BSC (Hons), Grad. DIP. Phys. MCSP
Providing physiotherapy treatment for sports injuries, postural problems, whiplash, back, neck, joint, muscle and sciatic pain.
Initial Assessment
You will be fully assessed by a chartered physiotherapist. This will take 1 hour during which time you will be asked about your condition & symptoms as well as your general health. You maybe accompanied to your treatment sessions if you wish.
This will be followed by a physical examination to test the relevant anatomical structures & to help identify the cause of your problem. You may be required to undress to your underwear to enable the therapist to effectively assess the area to be treated. Therefore you may wish to bring shorts/strappy t-shirt with you.
At the end of the assessment, the treatment plan & likely number of sessions required will be discussed with you and relevant treatment techniques will be carried out.
Follow-up Treatments
We will always try to treat you quickly & efficiently with as few sessions as
possible.If required after the initial assessment/treatment, follow-up sessions last 30 minutes.
Certain physical tests from the initial session maybe repeated to review progress & treatment will be provided according to the plan discussed at the original session.
Range of available treatments
Joint mobilisation & manipulation techniques: specific movements to restore normal joint range.
Soft tissue mobilising & release techniques.
Exercises to strengthen & mobilise the joints, muscles & other soft tissues.
Core stability exercises, to improve the strength of deep postural muscles around the spine.
Postural correction, exercises & advice.
Strapping/taping - to support structures & correct faulty movement patterns & posture.
Ultrasound, to help reduce pain & improve healing.
Acupuncture: ultrafine,sterile, single use needles are inserted into specific points around the body. This helps to restore the body's balance & enhance pain relief by stimulating the bodies own pain relieving chemicals. Acupuncture has an increasingly sound research & evidence base & maybe used to complement other physiotherapy techniques or as a stand alone treatment. All therapists at Wareham Physiotherapy are members of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP)
Relaxation techniques (see separate link).
Advice, guidance, self-management strategies (e.g. pacing & goal setting) & techniques for coping with long-term physical pain.
We are experienced in running classes in core stability, relaxation and self-management strategies for low back pain and will happily discuss running these for small groups on request.